AbstractHandler - class gradeview.util.AbstractHandler.
Associates a method with events on an object.
AbstractHandler(Object, String) - Constructor for class gradeview.util.AbstractHandler
AbstractPanel - class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel.
Describes a JPanel which takes up the entire visible area of the applet.
AbstractPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Constructor for AbstractPanel.
AbstractPeopleSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel.
A SubPanel which can be used to display a list of people.
AbstractPeopleSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
AbstractSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel.
Panel that is displayed in the main panel of a subclass of AbstractPanel.
AbstractSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
ActionHandler - class gradeview.util.ActionHandler.
This is a AbstractHandler that triggers on an ActionEvent.
ActionHandler(Object, String) - Constructor for class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
Called when an ActionEvent is recieved.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gradeview.PopupButton
Called when button is clicked
add - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Adds a new person to the list, using the contents of the name and email fields as the new person's information.
add(HashMap) - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Adds a new person to the table.
addContents(Container) - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
Adds a new container into this panel.
addContents(Container, double) - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
Adds a new container into this panel.
addElement(String) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
addMenuItem(Component) - Method in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Adds the given Component into the menuPanel.
addMenuItem(String, ActionHandler) - Method in class gradeview.PopupButton
Add a new entry into the popup menu with the given label.
addMenuLabel(String, String) - Method in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Adds a new label into the left menu bar.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
addSubElement(int, Object) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
Assert - class gradeview.Assert.
Assert() - Constructor for class gradeview.Assert
assert(boolean) - Static method in class gradeview.Assert
assert(double) - Static method in class gradeview.Assert
assert(long) - Static method in class gradeview.Assert
assert(Object) - Static method in class gradeview.Assert


buildHashMap(String) - Static method in class gradeview.util.Misc
Builds a new HashMap based on the contents of a given string.


c - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
cancel - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
changePasswordSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
changePasswordSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
changePasswordSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.TAPanel
ChangePasswordSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel.
Displays an interface which allows the user to change their password.
ChangePasswordSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
check() - Method in class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel
Tries to authenticate the user (based on information in the username and password fields.
confirmNew() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
Compares the two copies of the newPassword that the user has entered.
confirmOriginal() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
Compares the oldPassword to the user's current password.
CONNECTION_CLOSED - Static variable in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
CONNECTION_READY - Static variable in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
currentApplet - Static variable in class gradeview.GradeViewApplet


delete(int) - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Deletes one person/row from the table.
delete(int[]) - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Deletes multiple people/rows from the table.
deleteElement(int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
deleteSubElement(int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
disconnect() - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Closes the currently active session.
doLayout() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
doLayout() - Method in class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel


elementBtn - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
email - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Where a new email may be written in.
enterPressed() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
enterPressed() - Method in class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel
establish(String, String, String) - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Establishes a new session, provided one isn't already set up.


getColumnCount() - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Gets the amount of columns in the table.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Gets the title/name of a particular column.
getConnectionType() - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Returns what sort of user (student, TA, or professor) is using the system.
getCurrentApplet() - Static method in class gradeview.GradeViewApplet
Used to get the currently active instance of GradeViewApplet.
getCurrentSession() - Static method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Retrieves the currently active GradeViewSession object.
getElementForRow(int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getMenuPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Gets the menu panel, so that items may be added and/or deleted from it.
getOrganization() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
getRowCount() - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Gets the amount of rows in the table (which is equal to the number of people in the list.
getRowData(int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getServerAddress() - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Returns the URL of the session's server.
getTitleText() - Method in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Gets the text in the titlePanel.
getValue(String) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Gets the value at the specified row and column.
GradeSheetTabView - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel
gradesSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
gradesSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
gradesSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.TAPanel
GradesSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel.
Panel that displays grade information.
GradesSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel
GradeViewApplet - class gradeview.GradeViewApplet.
The main applet class.
GradeViewApplet() - Constructor for class gradeview.GradeViewApplet
Default constructor for GradeViewApplet
GradeViewSession - class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession.
GradeViewSession provides the GradeView client applet with a simple set of functions through which client-to-server communication (and vice-versa) can take place.


init() - Method in class gradeview.GradeViewApplet
Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it has been loaded into the system.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
isEnabled() - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
isEstablished() - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Checks if the session is active.


layout - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
LoginPanel - class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel.
The login JPanel.
LoginPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel
Constructor for LoginPanel


mainPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
mainTabbedPane - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel
makePanel() - Static method in class gradeview.util.Misc
Makes a JPanel according to GradeView defaults (i.e., foreground color, background color, etc.
makeSmallLabel(String) - Static method in class gradeview.util.Misc
Creates a JLabel in a small font and a GradeView-default color.
makeSmallLabel(String, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class gradeview.util.Misc
Creates a JLabel in a small font.
menuPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Misc - class gradeview.util.Misc.
A set of miscellaneous, non-class specific functions which are used throughout GradeView.
Misc() - Constructor for class gradeview.util.Misc
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
MouseHandler - class gradeview.util.MouseHandler.
This is a AbstractHandler that triggers on an MouseEvent.
MouseHandler(Object, String) - Constructor for class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gradeview.util.MouseHandler
myLayout - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
myLayout - Variable in class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
myLayout - Variable in class gradeview.panels.TAPanel


name - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Where a new name may be written in.
newPassword - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel


ok - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
oldPassword - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
onAdd() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Called when the "Add" button is pressed.
onCancel() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
Executed when Cancel is clicked.
onCancel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel
Called when the "Cancel" button is pressed.
onElementAdd() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
Called when "Element | Add" is clicked
onElementDelete() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
Called when "Element | Delete" is clicked
onOK() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
Executed when OK is clicked.
onOK() - Method in class gradeview.panels.LoginPanel
Called when the "OK" button is pressed.
onRemove() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Called when the "Remove" button is pressed.
onSave() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Called when the "Save" button is pressed.
onSubElementAdd() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
Called when "Subelement | Add" is clicked
onSubElementDelete() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
Called when "Subelement | Delete" is clicked
OrganizationTableModel - class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel.
TableModel used to display Tree-like information in a JTable.
OrganizationTableModel(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
OrganizationTableSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel.
Displays the organization table.
OrganizationTableSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
orgTable - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
orgTableModel - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
orgTableSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel


parseToNode(String) - Static method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
peopleList - Variable in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
PeopleTableModel - class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel.
A simple table model to keep track of people and their attributes.
PeopleTableModel() - Constructor for class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
PopupButton - class gradeview.PopupButton.
This class looks like a normal JButton, but displays a configurable JPopupMenu on a click
PopupButton(String) - Constructor for class gradeview.PopupButton
printHashMap(HashMap) - Static method in class gradeview.util.Misc
Prints the contents of a HashMap to the system console.
PROFESSOR_LOGIN - Static variable in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
ProfessorPanel - class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel.
This defines the display that a logged-in professor will see.
ProfessorPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Constructor for ProfessorPanel.
putValue(String, Object) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler


read() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
read() - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Reads in a list of people from the database.
remove - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Removes a person, or a group of people, from the list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
retypePassword - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel


save - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
Saves the list of people to the database.
saveAndReturnBtn - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
sendData(Node) - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Sends a block of XML-encoded data to the server, waits for a reply, and then parses it.
sendData(String) - Method in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
Sends a block of XML-encoded data to the server, waits for a reply, and then parses it.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gradeview.util.ActionHandler
setMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class gradeview.GradeViewApplet
Changes the display area of the JApplet to the specified JPanel.
setTitleText(String) - Method in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
Sets the text in the titlePanel.
setTitleText(String) - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
Sets the text in the label describing this panel.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gradeview.OrganizationTableModel
showChangePasswordSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Shows the Change Password Panel
showChangePasswordSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
Shows the Change Password Panel
showChangePasswordSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.TAPanel
Shows the Change Password Panel
showGradesSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Shows the Grade information
showGradesSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
Shows the Grade information
showGradesSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.TAPanel
Shows the Grade information
showOrgTableSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Shows the Organization Table
showStudentListSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Shows the Student List
showTAListSubPanel() - Method in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
Shows the TA List
startBtn - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel
StatisticsTabView - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel
STUDENT_LOGIN - Static variable in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
studentListSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
StudentListSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.StudentListSubPanel.
StudentListSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.StudentListSubPanel
StudentPanel - class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel.
This defines the display that a logged-in Student will see.
StudentPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.panels.StudentPanel
Constructor for StudentPanel.
subElementBtn - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel


TA_LOGIN - Static variable in class gradeview.net.GradeViewSession
table - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
The list of people.
tableModel - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractPeopleSubPanel
The data source from which the table gets it's information.
taListSubPanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.ProfessorPanel
TAListSubPanel - class gradeview.subpanels.TAListSubPanel.
TAListSubPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.subpanels.TAListSubPanel
TAPanel - class gradeview.panels.TAPanel.
This defines the display that a logged-in TA will see.
TAPanel() - Constructor for class gradeview.panels.TAPanel
Constructor for TAPanel.
titleLabel - Variable in class gradeview.subpanels.AbstractSubPanel
titlePanel - Variable in class gradeview.panels.AbstractPanel
triggered() - Method in class gradeview.util.AbstractHandler
Called by a subclass when an event is received.


write() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.ChangePasswordSubPanel
Sends new password to server to be written into the database.
write() - Method in class gradeview.data.PeopleTableModel
Writes the list of people to the database.
writeMe() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.GradesSubPanel
writeMe() - Method in class gradeview.subpanels.OrganizationTableSubPanel